Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Friday 24 June 2011

Sunshine Award...

I want to Thank my wonderful blogger friend  Ofelia at  My Intended Life who gave me the Sunshine Award.She is so lovely and always finds time to visit me and leave such lovely comments.

I'm suppose to share some things about myself and then pass the award on.
  1. I try to be healthy but have eaten 14 piece of cake/cup cakes in 3 days(well it was my daughter's birthday).
  2. I held a dog by it's collar today stop it geting run over,even though it was very heavy and scratch all my feet trying to grab another dog for 50 minutes then cried for 5 minutes after in shock.
  3. I love red wine ( but if you read my reader-profile you may have already guessed this).

As well as Ofelia some bloggers who I pass this Sunshine Award onto ...

1.) Are you dressing your truth
2.)  Workingmum of 4
3.) New mum online

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