Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Friday 12 August 2011

Sunshine On A Rainy Day...

This month I have decided not to take part in the 3-in-30 challenge as with the kids off school, routine as gone out the window. I am still getting time to keep my running up so Fitness Friday is still here.

This week I have had the chance to do another race.

2 in just over a week is unusual for me as the last time before these were 3 months ago.

This time I wasn't too excited about running as it was raining and very slippery in places.

I psyched myself up and did it and so pleased with myself.

My time was 47:44 for the distance of 5.87 miles.

Which according to my sports watch shows I burnt 700 calories ( a large cake and glass of wine) that's one reason I like running!


Distance:5.87 mi
Elevation Gain:261 ft
Calories:699 C

Mile 1: I set off at a good pace and tried to keep with the flow, the first mile as always feels hard and I think to myself at this stage why do I run?

Mile 2 : This pace felt quick but nothing I couldn't handle I just hoped I could keep it up until the end of the race.

Mile 3: Still felt good holding onto my target pace then suddenly a steep seemingly never ending hill and my pace was now dropping., but I felt strong and eventually I reached the top. At the start of the hill I had the heaviest breathing runner ever in my shadow little did I know this man would stay with me until the end of the race. I could have done with earplugs or a Usain Bolt type sprint to get rid of him!!

Mile 4: This is where the pace began to feel very hard work but I kept hanging on in there, with this man still breathing heavily behind me.

Mile 5:Starting to tire now another hill but nowhere as bad as the first one even past a couple of men at this stage which felt good.

Mile 6: Really tired now but knew I had to dig deep and pick up the pace was this possible i did not know we shall soon find out!! There was a really sharp bend and I had to go really wide as I didn't want to hurt myself. This is where the heavy breather man took the short route and nearly got in front of me, but I pushed the pace and held on to my position.The last stretch was hard work I even passed 2 more men but another man came from nowhere flying past me.This is where I started to feel sick I felt like I had done my best and could not run any more. I was going to let the heavy breather man past just to rest my ears, what does it matter? Then with less then ½ mile to go a familar sight of my fan club (husband and son!!) cheering me on. I deceided to dig deep and drop the irratating man once and for all!! I seemed to sprint all the way to the finish line and boy did it feel gooood!!!

Avg Pace

I love the rain it even though it was slippy i ran 20 seconds faster on a longer distance than last week.So sunshine on a rainy day it was!!....

Avg Pace: 08:07 min/mi

Avg Moving Pace: 08:04 min/mi

Best Pace:  05:29 min/mi

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