Time to find some great new blogs to read and follow.
Lemon in hot water. A great drink to start your day!!
This week I am happy to have a co-host mamawolfe
Here is mamawolfe's profile..
I'm mamawolfe-mom to two amazing children at home, and many more junior high school students at work. I'm married to my teenage sweetheart, with whom I've survived nearly 26 years of togetherness (and a rock and roll lifestyle, too!)
Here are the rules of the hop.
1.Follow me the host of the hop at clairejustineoxox on Google friends connect and this weeks co-host mamawolfe. IF you are new please here leave a comment so I can follow you back.
2.Link up your blog to the linky below.
3.Visit some other blogs and follow ones you like and make new friends.
4.Please only family friendly blogs only.
The link is now closed. We hope to see you soon!