Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Wilkinson Halloween Product Review...

A few days ago I mentioned how much my children love to dress up and have a scary Halloween party every year.

They love to find a spooky costume,decorate the house with spiders,skeletons and hide in dark places to scare each other.

They also enjoy making lots of fun party food and cakes which for me is the best part...

Every year we always go hunting around the shops looking for new and exciting ideas for our party.
We can spend weeks planning what decorations we will be using and which food we can make and buy.

This year thanks to the very kind people over at Wilkinson's we have most of our baking essentials and decorations sorted as we have been sent some samples of their fabulously cool Halloween products to test out...

Pumpkin carving set £1-00

Spider cup cake holder £1-00

Fake scars £1-00

Bunting £3-00

Cookie cutters £1-00

 Silicone cake moulds £4-00

Cupcake stand £3-00

About Wilkinsons Halloween collection in their own words:

Wilkinson have a great range of Halloween products starting from 10p and with three quarters of the range under £5-00.

The collection includes quality baking essentials,decorative items such as pumpkin party ware and scary scull accessories, as well as eerie costumes,ensuring there's something for the whole family.

Wilkinsons even have its own set of Halloween characters ,the McEerie family ,who love nothing more than making people jump...

What we think of the products:

They have a great range of stock (292 items on-line) for Halloween from something little such as fangs for 10p, right through to fancy dress costumes at £38-00.

I think all the products they sent us are such good fun and great value for money.

The pumpkin carving set is such a cool idea and a great buy for £1-00. It will save me trying to cut our pumpkin out this year with a bread knife that I usually do (no wonder it takes me hours!!).

How neat is the cake stand? I

 can't wait to fill this with yummy buns.

My children are super excited with the things we got sent, and can't wait to go in store to check out the rest of the range.

Hopefully this weekend we will go to see what else we can pick up for our fun party!

How cool are these? 

Good job we got to try early as I forgot to take them off the tray when they were still warm!! 

A few did break up silly me. 

They still taste yummy especially dipped in chocolate. We still have plenty of time to make more :)

About this post-
I got sent the items above from Wilkinsons the purpose of this review all thoughts are my own honest opinion and I was not paid for this post.

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