Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Windy Shopping Days And School Holiday....

Outfit | Necklace ~ Present From Mum | Jumper Dress ~ Marks And Spencers [old]
Belt ~ Primark | Skirt ~ Primark | Tights ~ Primark | Shoes ~ F & F Tescos | Bracelet ~ Primark|

Wow it is so windy today, just hope the wind carms down in a hour so I can go running.

 We have been rushing around all day and I can't wait till 8 o'clock for a nice sit down.

First after missing all the drama of a fire that must have happen just outside our house, after a lazy lay in now the children are off school for the holidays, I opening the curtain to find 2 fire engines and a dustbin lorry cleaning up.

Later we decided to go to Meadowhall for one of my sons to pick up something nice for his birthday. Then rushing home to take another son to an appointment, its all go when you have 4 children!!

Mini me wanted to dress like her mummy today, arr bless her she is growing up so fast!!

Whats everyone else been up to today? anything exciting?

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