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Sunday 8 December 2013

Its Starting To Look A Bit Like Christmas... A perfect Christmas day

Although we plan all year round. Christmas really starts in our house on the 1st of December.The kids get dressed up and we set up the tree and decorations.

Over the next few days the children then draw up a Santa wish list. 

Thinking of all the things they hope to get for Christmas.

Then off to Santa to deliver the letter. 

They then hope that a few of the items appear Christmas morning under the tree.

Having 4 children it is like a party everyday in our house, Christmas day, being the King of party days! 

 The kids love the pressies I love having the family together, my hubby loves a couple days off work..

One thing we all agree on and love is Christmas dinner.. 

This was last year...mmm cannot wait.

One other thing the children want for Christmas is snow!

The perfect Christmas day for me will be having my eldest son back home from University and making the most of having all 4 children home together....

Here is our Perfect Christmas 24 hour diary.

( Based on actual events from past 19yrs)

12.01 am ~

Santa delivers all presents into the room!

1 am ~

Me and husband finally get to bed, but missed Santa?!?!

2 am~

Hubby wakes up keeps checking doors windows locked.

3 am~

At least one child awakes. Tuck back in, too early yet do not disturb Santa.

4 am~

Another child awakes, Excited to max. Allowed to open quick present off Auntie or Uncle. Keeps them happy off to noddy land for a while.

5 am ~

All kids awake, all deny they woke up first, all deny they woke anyone else up.
Ok then all up check Santa's sherry drunk carrot for reindeer eaten. ~

Living room door open squeals, shrieks, minutes of shaking Santa has been!!

7 am~

All corners of room taken up by one of our children's presents. No one allowed there or else!!

8 am~

Quick breakfast washed down with tin of chocolates and mince pie. (not the whole tin).

9 am~

Phone up Grand parents Aunts Uncles Brothers Sisters Friends. Hope they had a lie in, and have had a nice morning.

10 am~

Realise Turkey is not in oven, quickly dash to start it off.

11 am~

First argument of day someone has pinched batteries from one toy for another.

12 am~

Hubby weakens and opens bottle of beer. I have quick egg nog finish all veg.

1 pm~

Turkey cooking table set, Sure husband just swears as he has another toy to build! Glad I bought him that tool belt!!!

2 pm~

A toy that only costs £2-50 is most played with toy all day. Wish I had known...

3 pm~

Queens speech done. Everyone at table, crackers pulled, wine opened enough to feed the 5000 on plate. Top button of jeans undone.

4 pm~

No one forthcoming for pots, so roll sleeves up and count to 10. A few chocs soften the blow.

5 pm~

First visitors arrive, greetings all round, Kids still more energy than the Duracell bunny.

6 pm~

Find hubby having nap tip water on head soon wakes up!! It is tea time after all . Sandwiches, crisps, cheese and crackers, and cold turkey all round.

7 pm~

Kids starting to flag, finally say thank you for everything. Want a big hug.

8 pm~

At least one child has called it a night. Phew nearly time for a rest.

9 pm~

All kids finally worn out, take a toy to bed, fall asleep holding it.

10 pm~

Visitors all leave big hugs and kisses all-round.

11 pm~

Surprise gift off hubby. Then time to tidy up.

11.59 pm~

Hubby checks doors and windows. finally off to bed!!
A Perfect Day. Glad though there is a year between!

A video of a calm day in our household, taken over the Christmas holidays last year...

About this post-

”Merry Christmas! This post is my entry into the Tots100/Argos 12 Days of Christmas competition.“

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