On Friday I received an email from a mutual blogging friend of mine and Judy's asking me how she had died?. .
I knew she was poorly but never guessed she was that bad :(
I could not believe what I was reading and with tears falling down my face I rushed to all her social network sites to read what had happened. By the posts on her facebook wall I gather she died on New Years day peacefully in her sleep.
She had been unwell for some time now and was trying to get better so she could get to the doctors but had a bad turn on Christmas day. We had emailed each other the day before she died, where I told her not to worry about blogging and get herself strong and well again. She always loved taking part in the blog hops and said how she could not wait to join in the hops again.
I started my blog nearly 3 years ago around the same time Judy started hers. We met through a blog hop and from that moment we became good blogging friends.
She has stopped by regularly and when I started the Creative Mondays blog hop (was Creative Thursday then) I knew straight away who I wanted to co host with me.
Judy loved blog hops so much and was thrilled when I asked her to co host Wordless Wednesday too.
We visited each others blog, and commented on nearly every single post we published. Judy always left a lovely comment. We both enjoyed stopping by each others blog, I enjoyed stopping by hers and seeing what photos she had been taking, especially the ones of the warm Jamaican weather, it made me look forward to summer, when we were still having to wrap up warm!!. She mostly shared posts about the special times she shared with her identical twin.
On October 16, 2008 her twin sister Janine died. Since then she have been writing a lot about being twinless and the many hobbies that the twins shared. At times her blog was very sad and hard to read as I felt so sorry for her having lost her identical sister, father and brother. She started her blog and found it to be therapeutic.
We sent messages to each other on our blogs daily and emailed each other weekly and she was my modern day pen friend who I will miss dearly.
I was so glad to have told her at Christmas "If there is a award for my favourite blogger, (I will look ha) you get it Judy :)"
And she replied back
Judy helped co host Creative Mondays from the start, shared ideas and visited lots of blogs to make it the amazing hop it is today, (128 wonderful post on the hop the week before Christmas) and I know she was so proud of this.. My thoughts are with her family now, her mum and her brother..
I am so glad to have met Judy through blogging and hope she is now back with her twin sister Janine ...
I am so glad to have met Judy through blogging and hope she is now back with her twin sister Janine ...