Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

It Is Never To Windy To Pose!?!...

After seeing my personal video they made everyone to celebrate 10 years on Facebook, I realised all photo are magical. 

I joined Facebook in 2009. My 2 youngest children were babies and my young (soon to be men) sons were young teenage. 

Every photo tells a story, every story we remember with pride. 

My oldest sons waiting to run a race...
The stony beech at Bognor Regis...
Three youngest children making a pop group...
New trainer...
New haircut...
My youngest son eating ice cream at a race track (looking like a toddler)...
On the rides at Butlins...

To mention just a few..

Today's photos tell the story of a cold day to windy to pose!! 

A day that no one wanted to go out in but ended up being a really cool day out to shopping with lots of treats...

Me "kids lets go to Nottingham"..

Son " No its to windy!"
Daughter "No way!"

After a hour...

I will buy you a warm sausage roll if your go!?!

Son "Ok then!"
Daughter " I'm waiting at the door!"

After a 30 minute walk to the train station we arrive 10 minutes early for the train.

Come on smile...

Son "No it is to windy!"
Daughter "No! I'm going to pull faces if you take any pictures!"

After taking ages to get out, my son spending a long long time to look for finger skate board in the toy shop, a quick scoot around Primark, we soon realised we had 10 minutes to meet hubby from work. A long way from where we was.

So we ran from one shopping centre to another picking up warm sausage rolls (that got them out in the first place), on the way to meet my husband... we were on time!!

A day we ended up having so much fun...

Also stopping on the way home to pick a few cakes up for the weekend...

So all in all it was a great day, and one not to forget. I

f we had stayed in this day, watching films? it would have been all forgotten about now!!

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