Happy Mother's day to all the mums out there, hope your all having a lovely day...
It's great being a mum and getting spoilt once a year by you kids :)
My children brought me lots of yummy chocolates, a swimming cap and goggles (for after I've eaten my chocs?) to help me learn to swim better instead of only doing breast stroke and hurting my neck.
My son is home from university for a month and I had forgotten how much he eats!! feeding 5 of us is a big shop twice a week but 6!! haha no stop shopping and filling the fridge back up...
I know he is on a mission to help me get fit, help encourage me with my running, swimming, fitness and watching my biscuit and cake obsession, who knows I could be fitter in a month!?!
Yesterday we had a lovely lazy Saturday. The little 2 did not fancy going too far away as it was lovely and warm. So off to the park we went. Taking about what the had been dreaming about my 10-year-old son asked me " mum do you still have dreams?" "How old am" I replied? "I'm not too old to dream!!"
Then he asked "But what do you dream about"
Trying to think em, "our old house when you were small, my old house when I was growing up," em "I can't quite think off hand".
Then he replied " is it posing, selfies and blogging idea?
Haha, you have to laugh, err maybe son, but I can't remember??!!"
What I Wore~
Sunglasses ~ Primark
Jacket ~ Matalan
T-shirt ~ Primark
Jeans ~ Firetrap
Jellies ~ Primark
Bracelet ~ c/o Cutey
So here is me, posing, selfies and blogging...