Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday 3 May 2014

What I Wore Saturday...

Happy Saturday everyone :):) 

I am not to good at having my photos took when the sunshine is shining directly into my eyes. How about you? any tips to share with me?

 I screw my face up and frown!! Ekk..

I love the background in these pictures.

It was hard trying to find some pictures where I'm not pulling a face hehe...

This outfit is what I wore for a walk in the park. The sun was out but there was still a cold chill in the air...

What I wore~
Waistcoat ~ Republic
Shirt ~ Primark
Jeans ~ Abercrombie and Fitch
Shoes ~ Upcycled Pimp Up Your Reebok

What are your plans for the weekend?

Me, a shopping trip to Nottingham as it is someone's birthday on Monday.

Oh yes, I turn another year older!! why is a birthday not as much fun when you are older? I am looking forward to cake though,,, lots of cake :)

Please please could you vote for me in the BiB awards for style??? Clairejustine 

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