Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Autumn With Tots 100 And Bostik Family Craft Bloggers Pack ...

Thanks to 'Tots 100 And Bostik' for our Family Craft Bloggers Pack this month. We have been getting very Autumn style, crafty this week.We were lost for ideas with this months parcel and then the ideas just kept flowing in from nowhere!! Well I actually dreamt of one idea, then that lead to another one..

I am in the middle of a kitchen make over for Christmas, so we decided to get our some things ready for our Autumn table. 

I can not wait to finish my kitchen now to see all our crafty things on display..

No Halloween is complete with a spider or two. 

We are not to fond of the scary type so we went for a cute one with big eyes!!

What we did~

Place lots of glue the polystyrene ball with the Bostik glue pen.

Cover with orange tissue paper. then more glue and a piece of black tissue paper for hair.

Get 4 pipe cleaners and tie in middle with some ribbon.

Bend the pipe cleaners for the knees in the legs.

Use 2 Bostik glue dot to stick the legs on top of the head.

Stick 2 big eyes in the middle...

Don't you just love the Christmas snow globes? 

This was the idea for Halloween one.

I found some prunes a year out of date in the cupboard, so now to be a complete waste the Halloween globe was created.

Wash a old jar a lid out.

Half fill with water.

Place beads and glitter inside.

Find a Halloween toy.

(I used this sweet little Halloween bucked my daughter brought about 6 from the pound shops later week)

Place toy inside.

Fill to top with water.

Place lid on and dry off any water.

Stick around lid with strong tape.

I used duck tape.

Cut out a round piece of felt to hid lid and tape.

Wrap some different colour wool around felt on lid to keep in place.

I never stuck it as I would not have got more water in. The bucket moves around which makes it more fun trryng to make it stand up again...

I love this time of year for having lots of candles around the house for display.

My new table centre piece..

I picked this vase up from Ikea last week..£1.00 what a bargain!?!

Placed some old Christmas candles in the middle for display.

Fill the jar with some dried pasta around the candles.

Stick the leaves on with a few Bostick glue spots on each leave. 

Then tie some garden twine around.

Love a bit of up-cycling!!

An old beetroot jar, cleaned out.

Stick the leaves on with a few Bostik glue spots on each leave. 

Then tie some garden twine around.

Glue some ribbon with the glue spots around the top.

A boring candle with a bit of a makeover...

All I did was stick the leaves on with a few Bostik glue spots on each leave. 

Then tie some garden twine around.

Love this idea...

Laminated place mats...

My dad borrowed me his laminate to cover over Parkrun tickets to stop them from ripping. 

So I tried to laminate a few of the leaves.

I was pleasantly surprise with the result. 

The picture does not do these justice. 

I want a laminar now!!

About this post-We got send a lovely parcel of fun things to share our crafty work. All thoughts on the post are my honest opinion and I was not paid for this post...
Linking up with~

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