Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Park Fun In The Snow!!

Park Fun In The Snow... Yes really!!

If you read any my blogs, follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook you will have seen we got lots of lovely snow on Boxing day. It was great to see the snow arrive and also great to see it go! The last few days when it turns mushy and icy is never good.

My youngest two children are getting a bit to big for the park now and are never really interested in going on the swings, but if they cant go on ... they want to!! Typical eh? This week we have been having lots of fun out in the snow and these pictures were taken the day after boxing day, when the snow was fresh and new. Since then we have had shopping trips, running, walkie talkie fun and a trip to the woods to play Nerf guns in the snow.

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