My son has been saving up his money for the last few months. In readiness to buy the new Lego Simpsons Series 2 mini figures. He bought all the Series 1 figures over a 6 month spell last year.
This year he wanted to buy them as soon as they came out. "No Problem" I said. "As long as you buy them yourself". To be fair he has saved up really well, even saving some of his birthday money. Normally all my 4 children get money in one hand and spend it with the other. Almost as soon as they have it!!
The figures hit the shops on the 1st May and over the course of the weekend he went in a few different stores feeling his way through the 'blind bags' to find his favourite characters. There are 16 figures in all. It can be very tricky to find your favourite as the bags are sealed so you can only go by feel alone. Obviously if you are not careful you can end up buying the same figure twice. My son and daughter did this a few times last year. This can be very upsetting and Expensive!!
This year he was determined to only buy each figure once. He thankfully managed this. Although I did feel self-conscious standing in some shops thirty minutes or more while he carefully felt each and EVERY bag!!!
He was so pleased with his tactics he wanted to share how he did it in case there are any figures you or your children are looking for?
Here are a few pics and four videos he made and scripted himself. Amazing really I ask him to help me do a dress review and he says he cannot work a camera and has never been on Youtube.!! Just shows I will need to do more Lego posts in the future!!