Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Going On An Adventure...

We were all excited for the start of the Summer Holidays. 

Nice sunny skies, for six action packed weeks..


In fact more dull and rainy days than sunshine this week.

No worries though, cloudy days can be fun too. All we need is an idea. Some of our most memorable days of the holiday so far, have been when we woke up with seemingly nothing to do. 

Tuesday being a perfect example. We decided to take a trip to Grandmas house that morning, after nice big breakfast.

For me and my eldest son we took a trip down memory lane. For the younger children a whole new adventure. 

Around 7 years ago we moved away from where Grandma lives. I lived in the village for 35 years. With my eldest son living there until he was 14. Loads of memories for us both then. Only occasionally can he now get to visit Grandma and Grandad with being at University so today he decided to come with us.

Me and my Husband used to take the oldest children running all around the area. My husband racing the kids up the hills. Good old days, when my eldest two children loved running and the Hubby had some speed!!

I used to take them on slow runs and we had all kinds of fun.

So here we are, on a trip down memory lane. 

My daughter said "are you sure we can go up here?" hence puzzled face!!

My 2 sons climbed up the hill and me and my daughter took the twisty turny paths.

At last at the top of the hill. A perfect view for miles around. Even on this dull and cloudy day.

Then me and my oldest son looked at each other and said at the same time "can you remember when we heard someone shouting at us and we ran from the top of the hill down through the farmers fields?"

Then we laughed. I have never run that fast in my life!!

My younger children will have fond memories of this place too now.  Different to ours. Still fun ones, I hope!! They didn't moan at the detour and even seemed to enjoy all the climbing and walking. Hallelujah....

Interestingly my 21 year old son, was saying "it wasn't as steep as I remember". I think whenever you go back to somewhere from your childhood, it never feels quite the same. The hills not as steep, the distance not as far. Although the horse manure still smells, that's for sure!!

Linking up our outdoors fun with Coombe Mill for Country Kids.

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