Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Planning A Spring Bedroom Makeover...

Over the last few weeks I have seemingly caught cold after cold. In the process getting myself very run down. When you are weak you tend to notice things that would not normally bother you. One thing then which has been particularly annoying me, is how much clutter we seem to have. It is ridiculous.

I sometimes feel we need a bigger house, maybe all we need is a good clear out?  I am sure the house would feel much bigger if we could hire a skip for a few days.

Maybe I can start Spring cleaning early? and give the house a full makeover. I think start at the top work my way down, with the bedrooms first on my hit list.  Our bedroom was the first to be decorated when we moved in our new home 10 years ago. So that would be a good place to start.

Some of my bedroom makeover plans:

1.) Declutter:
Bag up all old clothes, shoes (not too many!!), make up that is past it's use by date. Take them to the charity shop or skip it, depending on how bad they are.

2.) Paint our bedroom:
Something nice and fresh that screams out Summer is on its way. I am loving the idea of turquoise on the walls, with a cream gloss at the minute. Along with some nice pink/salmon coloured  roses in my newly de-cluttered window.

3.) A nice new and comfortable mattress.
We are ready for a new Double Mattresses so we need to start looking round now. Price and comfort being priority.

4.) Pastel coloured cotton bed sheets.
Some nice new bedding. Pastel colours ready for Spring. Colour blocks would be good. Luxury cotton covers would be perfect! Just what I am dreaming off.

5.) More storage boxes with lids on. 
Some nice big storage boxes. I have one nice big one but could always do with a few more. These are great for packing away seasonal clothes, that you want to keep but not wear.

Do you hold onto too many unwanted items?
Or are you good at clearing things out when you buy new things?

Are you already planning your Spring cleaning?

Maybe it is just me? Let me know....

This post is In collaboration with mattress next day.

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