Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Parkrun Fun In Gedling..

On Saturday mornings we like to travel around different parts of Nottinghamshire and beyond. Finding somewhere fun for our morning family runs. When my husband has a morning off work that is!

We love to try out different Parkrun courses. We are really lucky to have a variety of Parkrun's that we can go to. This way we never get fed up just going to the same one. Some are flat and fast, some hilly, all challenging!!

On Saturday morning we can all decide if we want to run through the woods, run up hills or try and get a new PB.

A few weeks ago my Husband found us a new one to try out. Gedling Country Park. We all love this one but it is very challenging. Two long hills and one really short steep hill. Wow though, when not gasping for breath, What lovely views.

My Daughter woke up feeling poorly. She wrapped herself up and said she was not doing Parkrun.

Does this look the face of someone poorly or someone who did not want to run up the hills? Lol.

Somehow once the race was done, she felt loads better. Think she wanted to stop with her big Brother who was home from Uni that day. She enjoyed cheering us on instead.

Mollie came with us...

This is the first hill.

Who wants to run a nice flat fast Parkrun course when you can have this fun and challenging course?

May have been my slowest Parkrun time ever, but it was so much fun!

Nice long hill anyone?

Youngest Son making this hill look easy peasey!?

My face shows how much pain this hill was..


Yeah. Some downhill...

How much do I like down hill running!?

My youngest Son sprinting to the finish line, again making it look easy.

Then 8 minutes behind my Son, here I am!

Huffing, puffing and moaning at my Husband who kindly paced me round..

Running never gets any easier, does it!?

Have you ever tried Parkrun? It is a free friendly run every Saturday 09.00. A timed 5km. Or in lots of places there is a kids only 2km every Sunday 09.00. There will be one near you, check it out!!
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