Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Mollie : Shadow Shot Sunday..

Happy Sunday, time for a shadow shot. photo. Love this picture of Mollie. She has been running around so fast and is now tired out. Taking a little break, eh Mollie? 

Waiting for her frisbee to be thrown again. Even though she is tired, she would never give in playing and rounding up her frisbee. She thinks it is her job. Every morning at 8 o'clock we have to set off for work. We spend at least an hour on our morning walks, most Mollie chasing her frisbee. Come 2 pm, we have to do it all again. 

If I forgot to take the frisbee or it has broken and we do not have a spare one, she goes crazy. She hates not having a job to do. Only once I did not take her frisbee to the park, never again. She acted like a spoilt child. Running off, ignoring me and going mad!! 

Mollie lives for chasing this frisbee. She goes into frisbee mode at the park. She ignores everything and anyone around her when she has her frisbee. Nothing can break her concentration when the frisbee is in sight. 

Even if I have not seen her all day, she would ignore me when she is working. If I come home from the shops at home after10 minutes, she would knock me to the flour to make a fuss. I wish I could be this focused on running!! Haha!

Once we have finished playing have to hide the frisbee away, give her some treats and she is then back to having a sniff around and making a fuss of everyone again. 

I think Mollie would have made an excellent sheep dog. Bless her.

I love this photo of Mollie, that Google kindly edited for me. How cool? Love the effects.
Linking up with: Wordless Wednesday, even though this post is not wordless ;)

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