Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday 18 February 2017

11 Things That Cheer Me Up In Winter...

I am really looking forward to Spring! Winter months really gets me down.

I'm not a big fan of the cold days and dark evenings. All I really want to do is lock myself away until the warmer weather. No chance of that, though.

If Winter gets you feeling blue too, I have put a list of things together of some things that cheer me up.

Maybe you can try a few of these things too?

11 Things That Cheer Me Up In Winter:

1.) Wrapping up warm: 

At night once the children have come in from school and we have all done our daily runs and had a shower, I like to wrap up nice and warm in cosy PJ's and a nice warm dressing gown and rabbit style slippers!πŸ‡πŸ‡ {I wrote a post here on 7 Ways To Stay Warm And Cosy.}

2.) Trying to keeping myself looking nice and tidy:  

New hair cut. πŸ’‡ New jumper or new lipstick always cheer me up. Anything Red. LiLipstick, jumpers, a red dress. Anything nice and cheerful. Winter is so dark and dull. So anything to brightens it up a little.

3.) Going out: 

Meeting a family member for lunch, coffee or even a going on a shopping trip! πŸ›

4.) Feeling fresh and taking an afternoon nap:

πŸ’€ It cheered me up no end last Friday after working hard at a spinning class. My body is always fighting colds and fever at this time of year.

5.) Treating myself to something: 

Treating myself to a nice cup of coffee, cake, flowers or chocolates. πŸŽ•It doesn't have to be anything much, just a couple of pounds and they make me cheerful. 😊

6.) Going to the gym:  

It makes me feel so much better after a good workout. I am buzzing after a 45 minutes spinning class. Sometimes it is hard to make myself get out on the push bike out and go to the gym when it is cold and icy. I am always happier once I have been, though. 😍

7.) Clearing out: 

Cleaning up my home and chucking away old things. De-cluttering things we no longer need and sorting out bags full of unwanted clothes for the charity collection. Reminds me I must put the bag out for collection tomorrow!! 

8.) Baking: 

How yummy are nice warm cookie. πŸͺWarm cookies are the best! Straight from the oven.

9.) A break from the internet: 

πŸ–³ Walk away, spend a few hours apart from all social media channels. Come back refreshed. Checking Twitter, Facebook and emails can take a big chunk out your day.

10.) Got the house to myself!? 

Run a nice hot bubble bath and chill. πŸ›€

11.) Watching the lighter nights appear: 

πŸŒ‡ Not every night as it would get boring. Ever 3 or 4 watching what time it gets dark or should I say how much longer the day light lasts for. Knowing Spring is just around the corner: I am now on the hunt for any natural signs of Spring. Come on Crocuses, it can not be too long before you make an appearance? ⚘
    Cheered me up doodling here too!! I really do use to many smiley faces πŸ˜™πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜„

    Now over to you!!

    How about you?

    Do you like Winter?

    What cheers you up in Winter?

    Let me know in the comments below so we can all help each other cheer up in the colder months 😁

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