Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Friday 16 June 2017

My Spring Table : Weekend Blog Hop...

Happy Friday and Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Today I am sharing my Spring kitchen table design with you. This is how my table has looked over the last few weeks. I am loving my new cream and blue table settings.

I have had some pretty coloured flowers on it that have lasted weeks too. In fact, they have only just been throw away. 

They all look beautiful together. 

My Spring Table: Cream And Blue Table Settings:

My Spring table settings are perfect for a Spring lunch, family dinner together and weekend get together's!! Not forgetting the BBQ season will soon be upon us.

Breakfast or should I say brunch is served!

This is how it looks when we are not eating on my table. All stacked up and ready to use.

I love the little butter dish. It is helping us to stop buying as much margarine and start using proper butter too. I keep leaving out the fridge so it is easier to spread but someone keep putting it back in the fridge. It is so funny trying to spread bread with cold butter!! 

I love the hand painted blue flowers on the set.

Such a sweet design.

A modern plate set with a vintage twist. How sweet are the hand painted flowers?

I think this table setting will look great throughout Summer months too. I could just do with a few more plates for when the boys come home from Uni!

If you are a fan of Weatherpersons? 

They are very simerla to the ones they serve the food in here?

Pictured below, my Birthday treats out.

What do you think of my Spring cream and blue table settings?

Do you like to dress your table up?

I am now looking for a new outdoor table and some lighter plates to eat off outside so we can start having dinner in the garden, weather permitting.

16/06/2017 Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Would you like to join us today at the weekend blog hop?

To join in this weeks fun that lasts all weekend long, blog hop simply-

1. Link up as many of your favourite posts from the last few weeks as you would like too or simply link up your main blog and not to a post if you prefer.

2. Please kindly follow me here if you would like to? but not essential. Let me know if you are new followers so I can hop over and follow you back.

3. Please add the welcome to the weekend blog widget to your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts or on your blog hop page or sidebar. This way other can find the hop and join in the fun too.

4. Have fun blog hopping around all new blogs that have linked up today and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.

5. Try to stop by a few blogs and leave comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun :)

6.) Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter and I will share your posts.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and The Wednesday blog hop.

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