Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Sofa Memories...

The sofa is the centrepiece of any living room and one of the main focal points of any home. A place where family and friends get together, chatting about anything and everything.

Sometimes we argue about what we are watching on the TV. Sometimes we laugh so much we nearly fall off the sofa. Sometimes we shed a tear. It can even double as a spare bed if needs must!! A place to feel happy sad or just snug and safe, in a world of our own.

When you get a new sofa it quickly becomes the top location in your home to chat, chill and while away the hours. Many a best seller could be written I am sure if everyone's sofa told the secrets it learns over the years!!

24 years I have lived with my Husband. In that time we have had four sofas. Some of our fondest memories over the years have occurred whilst sat on one of our sofas. Any sofa becomes a key part of your family and home. Which is why choosing the right one for your home is crucial. It really does need to be perfect. I used to wonder what the phrase 'being part of the furniture' meant. Once you have something stable in your life you realise what it means. I wonder if that phrase came about because of how constant a sofa is in your home?

Over the years we have plenty of favourite sofa memories that have stood out. Today I am sharing some of my favourite sofa memories.

(Check out DFS Sofas for their latest sofa range.)

My Sofa Memories Over The Years:

1.) Thunder and Lightning:

Growing up I was so scared when the Thunder and Lightning came. I still am come to think of it! Whenever the Thunder and Lightning would arrive I used to drop everything, run and jump onto the sofa cuddling up to a cushion. I felt safe.

2.) Dating:

I remember when my future Husband used to drop me home. The sofa is where we would sit and chat. We would talk about anything and everything here. We would talk for hours and hours, why won't he go home?! Answer. Too comfy!! It was only a small two seater. Which would be no good for us now. Then though, it was perfect for snuggles. Not so perfect for lots of children. Damn!!

3.) Pregnancy:

Our 1st sofa in our new home was a 2nd hand gift off my Sister-in-law. Brown suede type feel to it. Perfect for our wooden floors. The good old sofa came in very handy during pregnancy. Especially when I got tired very easily. A place to watch daytime TV, have a snack, take a nap or order Hubby about. The perfect place to run a household.

By the time of my 4th child, we had a different sofa. 8 seater L shape, which came in handy for an expanding family. I almost didn't leave the sofa to go into hospital. I knew what I was doing I thought! Why leave the comfort of the sofa to go in an uncomfortable car? Usually, I would get to the hospital far too early. Luckily Hubby did prise me off the sofa in the end, as we got to the hospital and 15 minutes later my youngest was born!! The first thing I did when I got back home? Cup of tea sat on the sofa!! Of course... Now with enough space for us all..

4.) First Babies:

The moment you bring your first baby home and slump down into your sofa, just for cuddles. In fact, all of my children, their introduction to our home was all done on the sofa. Feeding, winding, cuddling all done on the sofa.

When you had visitors round to look at your new bundle of joy, we would always sit them on the sofa. Passing the baby from one visitor to the next. Our children never cried when we had visitors, as long as they got cuddled on the sofa. Try picking them up and moving them was a different matter! They were not so friendly. I am sure they were thinking put me back on my sofa!!

5.) Growing Up:

Plenty of memories of our children growing up, the bumps, bruises, scars, temper tantrums. Their recovery was always done on the sofa. Occasionally wrapped in a duvet watching TV, eating treats. They soon felt better. Or were they ill to begin with? That's the question.

6.) Movie Nights:

At least once a week. My Husband and I will watch a movie. It may be one we have not seen or one of our favourites. It doesn't matter which really, as it is an excuse to have a cuddle, a glass of wine and a sweet treat. The perfect place for movie night is, of course, the sofa. Better than any cinema I know!!

7.) 10 minutes Power Nap:

As we are getting older a sofa is a great place to just have a 10-minute power nap. That time of day when you have too much to do, so can't go justify going to bed, but just need a time out. I have lost count the number of times I have shouted the Hubby to cut the grass and then find him having a nap on the sofa. If you have this problem in your house? The best solution send in the dog, he soon moves!! Of course, I never have a power nap, unless absolutely necessary! ;-)

8.) Mad 5 Minutes:

The moment Mollie the Collie gets in the room and has a mad 5 minutes sprinting around the room jumping from sofa to chair back to the sofa and back again. If she is not careful she crashes into the wall. Where does she want to sit if she needs a cuddle to recover?
Next to me on the sofa!
This incident definitely didn't take place. As the dog is not allowed on the sofa!!!! (In case of Hubby reading)

About this post:

This post is in conjunction with DFS but all thoughts are my own Visit their website to find out more about their great range of DFS Sofas.

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