Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Sunday 29 October 2017

How To Save Money On Household Essentials...

Around this time of year, we start to feel the pinch, money wise. With Christmas fast approaching, it is always fun, however, it can also be very stressful.

We have to budget how much we have for presents, whilst juggling the extra costs involved with the Winter months. Such as keeping warm in Winter. We do not have the heating on through Spring, Summer and Autumn, but boy do we need it in Winter. My kitchen must be one of the coldest in the UK. That is why I love baking, not for the cakes, just the warm oven!!

A few months before Christmas we also start to stock up on extra food to fill the cupboards up for the festive season and just in case we get snowed in. My Gran always told me to fill up the larder, as you never know what is around the corner.

The family income is always the same in Winter as Summer, yet you have to make your money go a lot further. Long gone nowadays are workplaces that give you a Christmas Bonus!! (Remember Them?)

Today I thought I would share a list of How To Save Money On Household Essentials that will help us all, inspiring you to make your money go further.

Food & Drink:

1. Meal Plan: I find that if I Plan My Weekly Meals in advance we are less likely to rush out and buy takeaway meals. It can seem boring picking what is for dinner in 5 days time. Wow though it saves loads of money so gets my vote!!

2. Go Shopping When You Are Full: If I go shopping when I am hungry I am more likely to fill my trolly with junk food and fast foods because I just want to eat everything I see and I want to eat it now!  If I go shopping when I am feeling full I am more likely to concentrate on sticking to my meal plans.

3. Write A List: Writing a list and sticking to it. (I stick to it except for one treat just 4 me sshh)

4. Look Out For Offers: Check online first what the supermarkets have on offer each week. So that you can plan your meals if possible around what foods are the best price. Do not just buy a 2 for 1 on a whim as you often waste it. It only takes a few minutes and can save you £££s. It is a good way of giving you a variety to your diet. If like me you do not normally eat seafood, I always keep an eye on offers as I earn lots of brownie points if Paella is on the menu!! Normally it would be too expensive for us.

5. Shop A Few Hours Before Closing: Find out when your local supermarkets reduce their fresh products. Sometimes you can pick up some amazing deals on fresh bread, cakes, meat, fruit and vegetables. Obviously, try not to stray from your list. If items can be frozen though, this can be a good money saving tip longterm. 

6. Invest in A Chest Freezer: Having a big freezer can be perfect for stocking up on food, especially if you use tip number 5 a lot. Nothing worse than getting 20 reduced price cakes and having to eat them all in one day... Trust me on this one!!!

Cheaper Gas And Electricity:

Check You Gas & Electric Bills Regularly: Gas and electricity companies often offer you a great deal to switch with them but after a few years, the price you pay sometimes (unknown to you) rises. A few minutes on the internet every year can save you a lot of money. If your bills are competitive, stay with them. If they are overcharging you, move to another provider.

Mobile Phone Contracts:

Do Not Over Pay For Your Phone: Every so often we need a new phone and have one on contract. After our contract ends the mobile company will still charge you the same price just for your allowances. If you are not careful you can pay for your phone twice over. 

Give your phone company a call or check when your contract ends or if it has ended already. See what deals they have for you. If your not happy you can either have a new phone contract with them and sell your old phone or like us if you are still happy with your phone, change providers or negotiate an even better deal.
    Internet Providers:

    Same As Above: We have just changed internet providers after 8 years of being happy with our old one. We simply found a more stable connection, with quicker speeds and a better price so why stick with the old one? Sentiment does not pay the bills...

      Share Your Tips With Us:

      Now over to you. If you have any of your own tips that you would like to share with us let us know in the comments below. Suggestions also welcome if you can improve my list. I am always open to anything that saves money!! Thanks for reading. Now get saving!!!

      About this post: This is a collaborative post but all thoughts are my own.

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