Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

i Carly Groovy Foodie DS Game Review...

This week we got the chance to review a DS game i Carly Groovy Foodie.

My 7 year old daughter loves her 3DS, luckily all DS games play on it, so I knew she would like to try it out.

We were not familiar with Carly so after a quick crash course on the series courtesy of the Internet, we were all set to see what the game had to offer.

The story of the game:
In the iCarly Groovy Foodie DS game, Carly and Sam get into deep trouble. Someone cut into the line at the hot dog stand before you know it Sam shoved a chili dog down the line cutter's pants.

They found it funny until he returned with the security guard now they must complete community service by making their imaginative food creations.

You can play as both Carly and Sam, and interact with the cast, as they share special skills that tie into each character's attributes from the show.

About the game:
  • You have to prepare endless dishes and serve them to quirky customers before time runs out.
  • Interact with the entire iCarly cast and earn special upgrades to have Sam trigger “Random Dancing”.
  • Gibby charge shirtless into lines of customers and more.
  • “Battle” 20 types of crazy hungry customers including costumed web mascots, troublesome goop throwing students, and intimidating prisoners from King County Prison!
  •  Serve 25 imaginative food creations including Spaghetti Tacos, Doughnuts on a Stick, and Fudge Balls!
  • Match wits with characters like arch nemesis Nevel Papperman, mean teacher Ms. Francine Briggs, Lewbert the nasty doorman and T-Bo as they bring the pressure to serve with extra special panache
  • Enjoy frantic fun in five locations from the iCarly show, including the popular Groovy Smoothie, Webicon, Ridgeway High School, King County Prison and Crown Ridge Mall!
  • Explore an abundant variety of dishes to serve in Spencer’s customizable food prep guide and create your menu at the start of each location!Utilize Freddie’s customer database to understand the unique preferences of each customer and concoct the perfect strategy to feed the crowd!
  • Master your serving skills and earn up to 50 game achievements to unlock bonus content like special abilities, additional dishes, helper utilities and other awesome upgrades from Gibby’s shop!

What my thoughts are on the game:
The first thing that came to mind playing the game was of the classic Tapper or Root Beer Tapper. A early arcade game where you slid drinks down a bar to serve ever more thirsty customers.

Anyone of a certain age will remember this game, Google it, if you are not sure.

Essentially iCarly Groovy Foodie! is a modern day version of this. Instead of sliding beer it's food. Bright colourful graphics, with fast arcade action game play.

Like a lot of movie or TV game tie ins, it helps if you are a fan of the show. Anyone who watches the show, would I am sure get many hours of fun out of the game.

If you have never seen the show I would suggest you need to like quick reaction based games, to enjoy it.

The game is suitable for all ages 3 and up, children from aged about 7 upwards would find it about the right level of difficulty.

A fan of the show and own a DS or 3DS and you would be pleased if this was in your stocking this Christmas.

If not a fan for a TV based tie in there is a good game underneath the licencing which is a nice change. I would rate it 6.5/10 add a extra point or two depending on how big a fan of the show you are.

  •  i Carly Groovy Foodie is available now and only available on the Nintendo DS hand held game console.
  • Game type - Platform
  • The age rating is 3 +
  • Priced at around £22-99 (Amazon 05/11/2012 )  

About this review - 

I was kindly sent this game i Carly Foodie Groovy for the DS for the purpose of this review. All thoughts on the game are my own honest opinion and I was not paid for this post...  

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