Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Philips Health Watch Review..

I did not make any New Years Resolutions this year. No point really as I never stick to them. I just made a promise to myself to try and be more active. Get to the gym more, keep up my running and try to avoid the sweets in the cupboard. Sounds perilously close to a resolution then!! This way though I won't feel so guilty if I do not keep my promise!! Crafty...

Most of all; My time management needs work. There never seems to be enough hours in the day. If I can manage my family, dog, house and blog, it should leave me plenty of time to exercise. Right!?

Where's that personal organiser?

What helps to motivate me in the New Year is something new. A pair of trainers, some running kit or a brand new health watch.

I always ask for something sporty from my Husband for Christmas to motivate me. Santa brought me some new trainers to help me on my way.

A few weeks ago I also got sent a new Philips Health Watch to try out and review. Perfect timing for my new healthier lifestyle plans that I have in mind.

About the Phillips Health watch:

"Philips knows that people can feel overwhelmed about changing their health habits but it believes that changes do not need to be radical. Instead, small changes, sustained over time, are a good way to achieve health goals."
The Philips health watch is designed to help you understand how your lifestyle choices affect your body.

For example:
  • The watch recognises different forms of activity (such as running, cycling and walking) as well as sleep and sedentary behaviour, with ‘time to stand up’ reminders.
  • The watch continuously monitors measures such as your heart rate recovery and resting respiration rate, providing a detailed health assessment
The health watch is part of the brand new Philips Personal Health Program (PHP) which has been developed with support from a range of experts, from doctors and psychologists to smoking cessation and sleep experts – making it uniquely different to others in the market. 

The data it collects is so accurate that healthcare professionals can even feel confident in using it to assess your health. 

As well as the health watch, the program also features a blood pressure monitor and body analysis scales, all connected together via Bluetooth.

So first of all, unpack the watch then download the app to my phone. The PHS Health App. I could not sync the phone to my watch to start with. After a few restarts and unplugging the cable, and a couple minutes later and we are good to go.

On the app, you have everything you need to set some goals. You can set a goal of how much weight you would like to lose. Choosing how long you want to take to reach your weight goal. Also, you can add daily target like setting a step goal, or target minutes or calorie counter etc.

This is a picture from the Phillips App dashboard on my phone. Pretty fresh eh!?

On the dashboard screen, it tells you how many calories you burned that day, how many steps you have done, how many active calories you have burned, how many steps you have taken, how many minutes you have been active for. You can also add you calorie intakes in, blood pressure and weight in manually.

It also made me laugh today when the watch told me that I had sat down too long by beeping and when I looked down it says on the screen "time to stand up and move!"

To unlock the screen you touch it 3 times on the bottom lock symbol, then on the circle at the top to bring up a menu. Then with your finger simply touch the screen in different positions for all the different options.

Here is what the menu looks like:

I had also walked a lot of steps by yesterday evening:

My thoughts on the watch:

I really like the watch now I know what I am doing with it. It is relatively simple and intuitive to use. (Top Tip Read the instructions, though). The app has everything you need to get you motivated.
The rest is up to you!!!

About this post: I received the Philips health watch in exchange for my post; however. I was not paid for this review and all opinions stated are my own.

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