Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Run Yourself New Week 1..

Run Yourself New Week 1:

Can you believe it!? I start trying to get fit and then end up getting a bit of a chill/fever walking to the dentist in the cold!!

Isn't this always the way!?

If it is not a cold it is pain from over doing it leaving me having to have time off.

If it is not over doing it, it is life getting in the way and leaving me having to take time off.

Then that horrible starting again feeling wereI can not be bothered to work out because it feels tough.

A never ending circle. 


This week has been all about trying to get back into exercise and drink more water. Adding lemon into my water to give it a little bit of a kick and taste.

The thing is when you have children and a dog that wants walking you can not be poorly yourself can you? As you have no time to get ill. Things still need to be done around the house, food to be made, children to be looked after. I think you should be able to choose which week you want to be sick. Just like a work holiday.

When you're not feeling up to it but want to workout it is always a good idea to do less. So also this week was all about just doing some little run with my daughter and long walks with Mollie the Collie.

No odd trainers for me today just a nice bright pair!!

Runstreak Day 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

2 miles run
2 miles run
2 miles run
1 mile run as a visit to the dentist and some work done :(
45-minute spinning class
3 miles run
2 miles run
Easy day 1-mile run
Miles Ran 2
Miles ran this week 13
Total So Far This Year: 16 miles

Workout motivational song of the week:

Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit, Sean Paul.

What songs are motivating you to get out and exercise this week?

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