Food. Fashion. Fitness.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Queens Park : Country Kids Post..

It is Saturday,  that means time for a country kids post!! Yeah for getting the children out and about and running freely around the park.

We love to visit Queens Park in Chesterfield whenever we are passing through. If we have time we love to take a walk around the park. The children alway enjoy a run around here.

How sweet, a train in the park! 

The train is working today and looks like lots of the little children are enjoying the train ride.

This photo makes me laugh out loud; as I am sure one of my family members are waving to the train as it passes by!? Can you see the shadow? Husband is that you? Someone happily waving to the people on the train anyway. Must get the shadow detectives out, ha!!

Blue skies all around. When we last went for a visit the fair was in town. Love to take a look at all the fairground rides. Although I am not too fond of going on the fast, spinning around rides. I love to take pictures though. All these bright, spinning clothes and smell of candy floss. Whats not to love?

I spy, with my little eye. All this excitement going on and my children want to go play tiggy in the free park!! 


Hypo kids!? Having fun and letting off some steam.

Think someone is getting too tall for the slide.

OK, I think you suppose to stand on this one!! No worries here. They can do as they please.

Calming down now. A nice relaxing go on the swings.

Grandma, having a sit-down on the swings too!! Hehe. Wave to the camera.

Sharing our fun at Queens Park in Chesterfield over at Coombe Mill for their weekly blog hop, Country Kids. Have you been getting out and about with the children lately?

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